Week 25: Transfer Week Staying in Lima
October 31, 2022
Well, we just got transfer news (that's why pday is today). Elder Ellsworth and I are staying in Lima, which is good. This area needs a lot of work, and we wanna work hard. I've really been trying my best this transfer, and going forward, to show as much love and care as humanly possible. Even if people don't "progress" or accept our message, I know that they cannot deny the love that I've exhausted myself to emulate. And if these people we talk with only remember one thing when I'm gone, I hope and pray that they remember the love that the missionaries shared with them. I hope that I stay in this area long enough to see the fruits of our work. I want to leave this area knowing that I did absolutely everything within my capabilities to open the hearts of the people here. To be worthy of the name and title I wear over my heart everyday. In 15 days I will complete my 6-month mark, which is 1/4 of the mission. This really got me thinking about what I want to accomplish here. The kind of missionary I want to be. The kind of Christ-like attributes that I want to develop. The sacrifices I'm willing to make. But most of all, the person I want to be. Something that the mission has really been teaching me is self-discipline. It's also what I feel I still lack the most
. But I work at it everyday. You can ask anyone, but the hardest thing I do every day is getting out of my stinking bed. Every day that I crawl out of that sucker, is a miraculous day. I hate hate hate getting out of bed. I literally slap snooze on my alarm every 5 minutes for 2 hours sometimes, because I cannot muster enough willpower to get out of bed. So naturally what I'm gonna work on the most this transfer, is getting out of bed at 6:30 every freaking day. I promise you, if I can do this, absolutely any freaking thing is possible. Pigs will fly. I'll make a counter every week of how I'm doing. If I reach 100% out of bed at 6:30 every day (yes, even pdays) this transfer, you will know, any fetching thing is possible. Anything. (Even 50% of the transfer would be more miraculous than the alignment of the planets). So this is my journey.

Spiritual thought:
Suffering is a part of life. It's unavoidable. Every single person will experience suffering at one point, usually many times, throughout their lives. But the thing is, that there is ALWAYS a positive that you can pull from your trials. Suffering humbles oneself. It teaches patience, long-suffering, compassion for others and their struggles. It teaches discipline, righteousness, and love. Do not reject and avoid suffering, you are missing out on a learning opportunity. Obviously don't go looking for trouble, but when it naturally comes, embrace it. A higher plane of living is choosing to suffer for others. Example: maybe your spouse doesn't exactly enjoy always doing the dishes. Help them out a little, even if you despise it. Suffer a little, so that you can both be happier later.
Suffering is a purifying process. Search for the positive; it's always there.
Be the change you want to see in the world
Go the extra mile
Sacrifice, even when nobody sees it
I love all of you, and I hope all of you have a wonderful week, full of peace and love.
~Elder Owens~
The moon
Our awesome mirror
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