Week 65

August 9, 2023

So I'm not sick anymore... not very sick... for now... I'm doing a little better. We were finally able to do normal work Monday and yesterday, and that helped a lot. I've been learning a lot, so that's been nice. It's just kinda been... I don't know.. difficult I guess. Not like difficult, quite the opposite really, I've gotten a descent grip on everything. Obviously I don't know everything, and there's always things I can improve on. Everyone I've come to know is going home, and now I'm one of the older guys, and I can't explain how fast the days are going by. I've been working to push myself everyday, to go the extra mile, to be especially sensative to the spirit, to keep strengthening my weaknesses, to submit myself to the Lord's will, to keep changing small things to be better. It just hurts sometimes. Life in general. Trials always come and go, and a lot of the time things don't always go the way we want it to. And this is my second time training as well. I've seen different trials that my companions have gone through and that I had to go through the same learning process.

Something new I've been learning lately is how to help newer missionaries. I've been able to see everyone in the district, where they're at in their missionary life, what trials they're going through, and things they could learn to help them progress as a missionary and in life in general. It's a unique experience, but I feel that responsibility to. It's a distinct weight I feel, and that's new to me. I've never really been the head or leader of any group before and that's new to me. It's been an adjustment for sure. I really care for these missionaries and I want to see them succeed. I think what's been hardest for me lately is when one of them needs help, but doesn't want or accept it. I know what could help them so they can be happier and more successful, but they just don't... they just don't. And that's hard. Though I assume that's how Christ feels for us when we're afronting difficult trials. We need Him and His council, but a lot of times we just don't listen. And why? He really does know best, He knows what we need and want much better than we do. So why don't we take His outstretched hand?

I'd like to testify of the love Christ has for each of us. He really feels nothing other than pure love for each of us. He wants nothing more than to see us happy. He knows what we need, when we need it, and how we need to receive it. Why don't we just try to put a little more faith in Him? As one of His representatives, I promise, in His sacred name, that He will NEVER let you down. He will NEVER leave you to suffer alone. He is absolute, and perfect. He is the ONLY person we can trust PERFECTLY. I know these things to be true, and of such I testify, in His name, even Jesus Christ, amen.

~Elder Owens


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