Semana 10

"My son, prophesy unto this people (thy siblings)... I am angry (grief stricken) with this people (my children)... for their hearts have waxed hard, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes cannot see afar off... ever since the day that I created them, they have gone astray, and have denied me, and have sought their own councils in the dark."

"He (I) bowed himself (myself) to the earth, before the Lord (my Father)... Why is it that I have found favor in thy sight, and I am but a lad, and all the people (those of this world) hate me... wherefore am I thy servant? (Thy spokesperson?)"

"Go forth... do as I have commanded thee, and no man shall pierce thee. Open thy mouth, and it shall be filled, and I will give thee utterance, for all flesh is in my hands, and I will do as seemeth me good."

"Say unto this people: (plead with thy brothers and sisters:) Choose ye this day, to serve the Lord God who made you. (to listen to your father who loves you.)"

"My spirit is upon you, (I am with you,) wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the mountains shall flee before you, and the rivers shall turn from their course; (I will do anything that you need;) and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me. (I will always be with you, come with me.)"

Put yourself in this scenario as a Father:

Since the day your children were born, they would not love you, they would not listen to you, they would not see your love, and your plan for them. They would leave you, and deny you, and seek their own council.

You would teach them exactly how to be happy, but when they listen not, they would cry, and despair, and say 'why have you made me suffer,' 'I hate you.' "I cannot bear this."

I speak now as myself;


All He has ever done, is love us.

EVERYTHING He does is FOR us.

I weep, because our brothers and sisters on this earth curse the person who loves them most, they deny Him and all that He is and does for us, which is all that is good.

"If only they knew," I think to myself, "the things I know to be true."

Friends and family, please take careful heed to my testimony that I now bear:

I have dedicated a meager 2 years of my life to Him that loves us, but you better believe, that I've taken on a lifetime calling as well. My calling, is being a Son of God. As a Son of a Living God who loves me he has commanded me to 1: love the Lord My God, and 2: Love my Neighbor.

You, are all my neighbor, everyone here on this earth before, now, and after me, are my neighbors; my siblings; fellow children of a Perfect, Loving, Father.

Because these things I am, and because I do truly love all of you, i can no longer stand idly by and speak lightly of matters whose importance exceed our capabilities of comprehending. These matters are our eternal futures, and I will not be ashamed to share what I know is true.

God has promised all eternal life, but only those who recognize and obey with receive all of the blessings HE SO DESPERATELY DESIRES TO GIVE US.

Open your hearts, open your ears, open your eyes. Wake up from your earthly state. Our Father has more in store for you. He loves you and knows you individually and He has been trying to speak with you, but you will not listen. Why?

Our God is a just God, even perfect. He knows what is best for you, why would you not take heed? O how I lament because of my own imperfection. So much pain my choices and others' have caused.

I am but a man, and man is nothing. But Father is all knowing, and all receiving.  He gave his Son Jesus Christ because only through him can we be perfect.

This gift is one not because we deserve it. But because HE LOVES US.

I can speak all I want, but my words are that of an imperfect man. So I say with all ferverance of my being and my small but ever present love:

Pray, He is there
Speak, He is listening
You are His child
His love, now surrounds you
He hears your prayers
He loves the children
Of such is the kingdom
The kingdom of heav'n

I can plead all I want, but you all have your choice.  And so I bestow this simple knowledge upon you: 

God is our perfect loving Father in Heaven
We are his children
He has a plan for us

This I know irrefutably to be.

I promise these things are true, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Please, indulge me with your thoughts.

Elder Owens


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