Semana 13, Little Early

August 8, 2022

Surprise, pday is on Monday because transfers were a little funny this time around. Woooooooo.  Elder Jenson and i are staying here but now Elder Jenson is DL (district leader) so ill be getting to help out and see what that's like nice and early in the mission. Literally almost nothing has happened because Elder Jenson and I got sick and have been stuck at the house since last pday. Luckily we're feeling a lot better today so that's good.

Story time:

So last night I was hardly able to sleep at all. I couldn't sleep until around 4:30. But in the time I was awake lying in bed, I was dreaming, even though I was wide awake. And the whole time, I could feel the spirit present, like what I was seeing was influenced by him. But I would close my eyes and it would be like I was in a dream. I saw myself in this dream. I recognized it as myself, but in the future. I saw myself endure difficulties, but as I had faith in God, these difficulties were made easy. I saw myself work, and enjoy my work, and be proud of it. I saw a house, one that I had seen and been at in some of my other dreams in the past. I saw the place that it was located. I recognized this place, as the place I want to live, and the house was my dream house, the one that I desire to build myself one day. I will not be sharing more, as this experience is very special and personal to me, but the one constant in my dream, was that I gave thanks always to God; in all times places and things. The person i saw in this dream was a man of God. The person I desire to become.

You may be wondering "ok that's great, how does this apply to me?"

Lemme tell ya

What I learned from this dream, is that God answers our prayers, He has an individual plan for all of us, He loves us, and He is always with us.

I have been praying for a long time to see what the future has in store for me. My prayer was answered perfectly through this dream, and I give great thanks to the Father for it. God has an individual plan of happiness for all of us, a perfect plan. He knows what will bring us joy in this life, and he will grant us according to our desires.

He loves us; words don't exist to describe the incomprehendible, abounding love that Father unconditionally possesses for all of us. Its up to us if we let ourselves feel it.

He is always with us. All of his creations are before him; past, present, and future. He see's, and knows all. He is present in all things, because all thing are of Him. He will never leave us for even the slightest of a moment. His arms are always open towards us, its up to us if we want to go to Him.

Ladies and gentlemen. This life is for but a fleeting moment. Many know this, but few understand the true significance thereof. This life is an itty bitty speck in the grand scheme of our eternal nature. In case you don't know, allow me to enlighten you 😎. Through the Christ, His atonement, and His resurrection, we have all been given the free gift of eternal life after this life. All will be given happiness indescribable.

I love you all, and I give love and thanks continually to the Lord my God.

I seal these things in el nombre sagrado de Cristo, Amen.

Yours always, 
Elder Owens


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