Week 24

October 27, 2022

Well, I'm writing this a little late, but here it is. Not a whole lot happened this week. We've been rejected pretty consistently, which stinks. But every day, we've had at least one really fantastic spiritual lesson, with people who we know could feel the spirit that we bring with our message. This has brought me the most joy so far in my mission, and really, in my 19 years of life, being able to make a difference in someone else's life.

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

If you're not content with the way things are, you have two options. You can stand by and do nothing, or you can do something about it. I challenge you to be that person who gives a crap. Who's not afraid to put in their two cents and then put in the work behind their talk. Always be humble. Don't be petty. Be realistic. Well tempered. Patient. And most importantly, loving. Do what you see to be right. Sacrifice, even when nobody but you sees it. Stay true to yourself. Be honest. Admit to your faults. Always seek to learn. Be positive. I could go on. You know what's right and what's wrong. Don't justify wickedness. "The wicked take the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them, even to the center." Live a life you can be proud of. You only have one, and what you do now will determine your eternal destiny. Don't waste even a second. This is my personal invitation to you.

Peace out ✌️

~Elder Owens~

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