Week 33

December 28, 2022

Merry Christmas!!!... it doesn't feel like Christmas here. It's been 70° and sunny, they don't really listen to Christmas music like we do in the states, and there's not a ton of lights either. What they do is eat tamales and blow up fireworks 😎. So that's cool. Anyways, we had a lot of really good visits, mostly with members. Lots of food. We've been living off of Christmas food, and we've got enough to last until Saturday.

Story time:

Alright so we got a few things. We found a guy last week and his name is Fernando. He was born in Guatemala but moved to Bay Area California when he was 5, and grew up there. He grew up part of the gangs and then went to jail for ten years. Found Jesus, then was deported back to Guatemala. So he talks to us in fluent English, but 80s Cali gangster English 🤔. He's actually awesome though, he's had a really rough life, and he has such a desire to change. He respects us a ton, and he listens intently to what we teach. (Fun fact: after teaching 7 months in only Spanish, it's actually harder to teach in English now). I have high hopes for him, but he has a long way to go. Please keep him and his children in your prayers.

Ladies and gentlemen, we found Dr. Pepper 🙏🤜🤛🤘

We followed the spirit and found an awesome investigators who has recieved lessons from the missionaries years ago.

We took our friend Carlos to the hospital in an ambulance because he was having heart palpitations. Keep him in your prayers as well.

Spiritual thought:

There is opposition in all things. Up and down. Hot and cold. Hate and love. Faith and fear. God and Satan. Good and Evil. There is no grey zone when it comes to spiritual progress. What you do either benefits or inhibits you. God doesn't work with maybe or another day. He's told us what we need to do, and he tells us to get on it. If we listen, we are blessed. If we don't, well the natural consequence of sin is guilt. Hence the need for repentance. Christ took upon Him all of our sins so that we could be able to call upon Him for help, so that we could repent. He promises that if we follow Him, he will help us bear our burdens.

The bottom line, is that when we heed to Christ's councils, we are happy. When we don't, we struggle a lot more.

Now think of this.

When we listen to our loving parents, we're a lot happier in the end. And when we don't, we struggle a lot more.

Kinda funny huh. It's almost like these people love us, and want us to be happy.

Here's a crazy thought: maybe we should just listen and be happy... 😶

Crazy right.

I challenge you to be happy. If you don't know how, pray, search the scriptures, and join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What have you got to lose?

I know Christ loves you individually. He died just for you. He's always been with you. Go to Him, and you will find happiness.

These facts I share in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

~Elder Owens~

December 23: Christmas Devotional broadcast live on FaceBook

December 24: Christmas Eve Fireworks

Riding in the ambulance with our taxi driver.


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