Week 36-38: Return of the Email

February 1, 2023

Return of the Email. I'm back. 
We've been busy and I've been especially tired, but here we are again.

Week 36:

Ok, we worked hard this week finding people to teach and preparing little Carlos for his baptism.

Week 37:

We found a good number of people that we can move forward with, AND... Carlos got baptized!!! 🥳🥳🥳. He's the first person that I've taught start to finish and had the opportunity to baptize, so that was super awesome and exciting.

Week 38:

On Sunday everyone in stinking Guatemala got sick. Not literally, but almost everyone in our area had a cold this past week, us included, so we still went out and worked but we took it a little easier so we could recuperate quickly. Also, we got transfer news... we're both staying here. So that's super awesome because there's a lot of work to do. Also for pday, we went to a rich area in the city in taxi. Because we don't like spending money on transport, we fit 9 people in one little car 😁. That was a blast.

Another side note, I've successfully transitioned to thinking in spanish more than English. I've had numerous dreams in spanish and I instinctively react to anything in spanish. So that's super cool. But I'm also forgetting more and more how to speak normal English. So we'll see how that goes.

Anyways, next week I'll cover more of a spiritual thought.

Happy 20th Birthday to my companion Elder Hedges!
Singing Happy Birthday the Guatemalan way: The 1st part in English and the 2nd part in Spanish.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Elder Hedges, Happy Birthday to you. Then comes the second part to the same tune (usually clapping to the rythm) Y ya queremos pastel, y ya queremos pastel, aunque sea un pedacito pero queremos pastel. (And we want some cake, and we want some cake, even if it's a small piece, but we want some cake).

Making papusas


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