Week 48

April 10, 2023


Ha ba ba

Ha ba ba da ca da

Sooo we got transfer news, I'll be staying here and my comps taking off. I'll be receiving Elder Anderson; we've been in a district together before and he's super cool so I'm excited. This will also be my first transfer as senior comp leading an area. But, I mean, I've almost been here for a year, so I'm really not stressed about it. I also really like this area and I know Elder Anderson and I will get along so this will be an enjoyable transfer. I'm also looking forward to do some good hard work here. I feel I've tapped very little into the real potential I have, so I want to really start finding and utilizing that this transfer.

Spiritual thought:

Sunday was Easter, and though I could give a whole discourse on what happened and why we celebrate it, but I'd rather focus on the Who.

This past week I've dedicated ample time and utilized many resources to study Who, What, Why, and How, Christ is who He is.

Again I could go on about what I've learned and how it's changed me and how I go about things. But I want to do something different.

I'm going to tell you what's real and what's not, and you are going to feel something inside of you telling you that the things you are reading are literal God given facts that cannot be erased, denied, nor feigned by anything in the Heavens above or the Earth below.

Christ is risen. He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane and took upon Him every pain and trial that we've ever faced. He suffered betrayal and was abandoned by His closest friends who only hours before declared they were willing to lay down their lives for Him. He was beaten and mocked and then nailed to a cross to die slowly and painfully. He did so willingly, without an ounce of resistance. Three days after His death, He took up His body once again in a perfect, glorified state of being. He works to this very day to continue bringing to pass the salvation of man, which is possible, because He is risen.

Anyone who does His work, knows and loves Him. Anyone who loves Him, knows Him and works with Him.

I know He lives today, and leads and guides His sheep, both lost and found. I know He did what we couldn't because He loves us. Without Him, we wouldn't be. "He is the life and resurrection."

I declare so in His sacred name, amen.

~Elder Owens



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