Week 49 - 11 Months

April 19, 2023

Rather than share what I've done this week, I'd rather go right into some thoughts and insights I've had as I've pondered and meditated these past few days:

When we go through the temple our first time, we make certain covenants with the Lord. Some including; living the law of Obedience, Sacrifice, the Gospel, and Consecration.

Whether or not one has made covenants to do so, all are invited to live and Obey the law of the Gospel which Christ gave when He was on the Earth. This Gospel is founded wholly upon the principle of Love. "If ye love me, keep my commandments." To Love is to inevitably experience heartache, and those who love more are often more susceptible to be hurt. For such Christ invited us to "take up our cross" and follow Him. He invites us to Sacrifice. Last but not least Christ taught us the importance of talents. To grow and develop them, and then to Consecrate them for the benefit of all men. Talents can consist of: character traits, literal talents, abilities, spiritual gifts, etc.

If you live these 4 essential principles of Salvation, you will undoubtedly be blessed. But Modern Day Profits, Seers, and Revelators have taught us of the binding power of covenants.

To covenant (or promise) God to do these things, He promises us blessings as well.


When we make promises, or covenants, with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we enable ourselves to receive PROMISED BLESSINGS.

To list a few promised blessings entailed to our covenants:

The constant companionship of The Holy Ghost
Power endowed from on high to resist temptation, protect us, and fulfill our purpose in life
Eternal Families

These are just a select few of the almost countless promised blessings listed in the scriptures, as long as we:

Live the Gospel

All of which are founded upon the principles of a LOVE of GOD and of ALL MEN.

Our Profit, President Russell M. Nelson, has taught us that spending more time in the Temple will bless our lives in ways that NOTHING ELSE can.

Enter the temple
Make Covenants with God
Receive promised blessings

Nothing that God has commanded us to do is INHERENTLY easy, nor should it be, considering the greatness of the accompanying blessings.

I know these things are true. I know so, being a representative of Jesus Christ and because I strive to live His law, and I have received many blessings for which I am grateful for, and so I continue to serve and Love Him.

I invite you to Love Him as I have come to Love Him, and to take up your cross and follow Him, that He may pour His numerous blessings upon you.

In Jesus name, amen.

~Elder Owens

Exoskeleton of an insect
The rain is back

Missed the pan

Pineapple fields

The Lego Store.
We also played laser tag as a district, but forgot to take a picture.


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