Week 56: Transfers


June 8, 2023

So we just got transfer news. I'll be staying here for a 3rd transfer, but my companion is leaving me again. This time, I'll be receiving a greeny to finish his missionary training, meaning it's time to whip out my drill sergeant face and whip him into shape. ðŸ«¡ Having fun in the process of course.

On another note, we got a little sick again. ðŸ˜‘ But, now we know for sure what causes it. It's every single time that we eat at a certain investigator's house. Every single time we eat there, we get sick. So now we know.

Really not much else other than that.

Spiritual Thought:

I know I've been lacking in these emails lately. This transfer has been a very special one. My favorite so far. But not without its difficulties, to be sure. I've learned more than anything about weaknesses, and how through Christ, these weaknesses can be made into strengths. I'm a very weak person. I struggle most days just to get out of bed, and I lay restless in my thoughts at night. The strength I run on is not my own, but because I truly RELY on Christ and His Atoning Power. The strength I've realized here in these past 8 weeks is beyond miraculous. Despite what felt like the entire world collapsing around me to the point I was ready to pack my bags and go home, I not only survived this transfer, but thrived. We saw 2 miraculous baptisms; an entire street witnessed the whole process. We've seen so much rejection, SO MUCH, and somehow we still laughed it off. We've seen stubborn kids turn soft, and now love to listen to our messages. Long time inactives, soften their hearts and begin to return again. Enemies become friends. There's been so many times when I've wanted to collapse to the Earth, curl up in a ball, and just sob. But I never could. I never could. Because I've come to know Christ. His infinite love. When everything caves in, and the darkness begins closing in, that's when I feel Him near; He's right there with me. He knows. He understands. And He's overcome it all. He did it all alone, so I didn't have to. Who do you know that would suffer the world and more, just so you didn't feel alone? Who COULD complete such a feat? Why would He do something so strenuous and impossible, that even He, the Only Begotten of the Father, sweat great drops of blood, and would that His bitter cup be taken from Him?


Who else loves you so much, that they would suffer such impossible pain for you. Even when you deny them, ignore them, hurt them, etc.?

His love is infinite, pure, and unconditional. He asks only, that you come to Him, and take part of His love.

Christ is Love. He is Always the Answer. He is Always there. He knows. He understands. He has overcome it all. And He invites you to do the same.

Matthew 11: 28-30

"28 ¶ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

He lives

~Elder Owens

Primary (We lost control)
Rainy season


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