Week 73
October 4, 2023
Pretty normal week. Found some cool people, did some cool things, normal cool missionary things I suppose. Transfer has just flown by, next week we'll be seeing who stays and who goes. Pretty crazy. Next transfer I'll officially complete my sister mission of 18 months. Supposedly I'm supposed to buy a dress or something . We'll see if I find something that compliments my pretty eyes
. Joking around (kinda, not really). I think everything's just settled down recently. I feel good, healthy, happy, safe, comfortable. After the past few months I've had, I gotta say I'm the most blessed person in the world just to feel normal. Things have just been good.
Guess I'd share something a little more insightful this time:
Life is what you make it
I've heard this more times than I can remember, but I think this year I've learned more of what that really means. Life's always going to be full of up and down moments, and you can either let your circumstances control your attitude and emotions, or you can take control.
Recently our modern day Prophet has given us a wonderful tool and invitation to help us control our attitude and perspective, disregarding whatever difficulty we may be going through.
Thinking Celestial.
This is a concept centralized in thinking from an eternal perspective (seminary flashbacks). In other words, God has a plan for us. He's taught us this plan through prophets, scriptures, and personal revelation. Every part of this plan is dedicated solely to helping us receive a perfect happiness in the end. Everything that happens, is to help us in the end. We're often too short minded to see this, myself included of course. But our Prophet, Seer, and Revelator has invited us to trust more in God and His plans. To see things from His point of view, and even when we can't see everything, trust in Him. That He loves us, and knows what's best.
It ain't easy, but nothing worth doing is easy.
Imma try it out, and I'll let you guys know what I think. But for now, I'm pretty happy 

God bless
~Elder Owens
Ps- apparently it's already Christmas 

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