Week 80

November 23, 2023 

Well, I've got 18 months in the mission now. All the Sisters I came in with are home and have been released which is an odd thing to see. Just got transfers too. I'm going to Palmita in zone 5 in the capital to be a zone leader. I'll be in a trio for a little bit because one of the elders is going home mid transfer. I'll also be in training to become the new mission medic, so this is going to be quite a busy transfer for me.

Health update: I currently have health

I've been in this zone for a while, and it's absolutely been my favorite. Every person who had been placed in my path has helped me in a tremendous way, and I'm going to miss all of them terribly.

I would say that the hardest part of being on a mission is saying goodbyes. I never use to struggle with that, but now... it's the hardest thing I seem to have to go through.

I have so little time left and so much to do, I can't say I'm excited to leave yet. I know it will be a really hard transition for me coming back home. But everything has a purpose.

~Elder Owens


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