Week 85
December 27, 2023 Holiiis. This week did not feel like Christmas, to say the least. It was actually kind of hotter than usual haha. Well, where do I start... Thursday night my companion started feeling really bad; we thought it might be Dengue Fever. Friday we had to tough it out for Zone Conference, though this time it was just mostly Christmas celebrations which was nice. But it was also a very busy day in terms of sick missionaries. Saturday we got together with the district to prepare for an activity that we did on Monday. Sunday I think we were in bed all day. But we watched a movie together as a mission and stayed up to watch the fireworks. Monday the rest of the district did a cool activity of giving out bread and pamphlets in the streets while I rested with my sicky. Later we went to the chapel and cooked hamburgers because Sunday was my comps birthday!! That was really nice. Tuesday we went to the doctor to get my comp some drugs to help him out. Then today we hung out with