
Showing posts from December, 2023

Week 85

  December 27, 2023 Holiiis. This week did not feel like Christmas, to say the least. It was actually kind of hotter than usual haha. Well, where do I start... Thursday night my companion started feeling really bad; we thought it might be Dengue Fever. Friday we had to tough it out for Zone Conference, though this time it was just mostly Christmas celebrations which was nice. But it was also a very busy day in terms of sick missionaries. Saturday we got together with the district to prepare for an activity that we did on Monday. Sunday I think we were in bed all day. But we watched a movie together as a mission and stayed up to watch the fireworks. Monday the rest of the district did a cool activity of giving out bread and pamphlets in the streets while I rested with my sicky. Later we went to the chapel and cooked hamburgers because Sunday was my comps birthday!! That was really nice. Tuesday we went to the doctor to get my comp some drugs to help him out. Then today we hung out with

Week 84

  December 20, 2023 So I'm writing part of this on Tuesday and I'll finish Wednesday because I actually have a moment to breath right now. You know, we do so much. So much everyday and we put forth an unhuman amount of effort into what we do, and yet at times it seems as though nothing gets done. Even when we're sick (by the way I'm sick again), when we're tired (all the time), when we don't sleep well (everyday), when we're weary of rejection (happens daily)... it's a long list. We still leave everyday, put on a smile and try our best to bring a little bit of light into the lives of others, even when most don't even want it. We leave our homes, our families, our cultures, our languages, our countries, we spend holidays far from friends and families; we willingly do all of this. But why? Because He loved us first. 3 Nephi 12: 3-12 3 Yea, blessed are the poor in spirit who come unto me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 And again, blessed are all

Week 81 and 82

  December 6, 2023 Alright folks. I've got a little time (believe it or not) to write some stuff down for this week. So I'm a zone leader and mission medic in training now. I'm completely busy from about 6am to midnight everyday. We're constantly reviewing reports on sick missionaries and setting up medical appointments as well as trying to learn how to lead a zone and get to know everyone in the area. These past 2 days have felt like a whole week by itself. But honestly, I couldn't be any happier. I like keeping busy and feeling like what I do is important. It's also nice to know the Lord trusts you enough to give you responsibilities. Helps me know I'm doing something right. Amazing learning experience too. I'm really missing my last district, zone even. It's been a very blessed past 6 months. Never because it's easy, but because every effort means something, and in the end, God magnifies our efforts and blesses us 10x over. God is good. It'

Week 80

November 23, 2023  Well, I've got 18 months in the mission now. All the Sisters I came in with are home and have been released which is an odd thing to see. Just got transfers too. I'm going to Palmita in zone 5 in the capital to be a zone leader. I'll be in a trio for a little bit because one of the elders is going home mid transfer. I'll also be in training to become the new mission medic, so this is going to be quite a busy transfer for me. Health update: I currently have health I've been in this zone for a while, and it's absolutely been my favorite. Every person who had been placed in my path has helped me in a tremendous way, and I'm going to miss all of them terribly. I would say that the hardest part of being on a mission is saying goodbyes. I never use to struggle with that, but now... it's the hardest thing I seem to have to go through. I have so little time left and so much to do, I can't say I'm excited to leave yet. I know it will be